Wednesday, May 21, 2008

512 Tragedy

In my life I never experience what is earthquake, and I don't want to experience it either. Sometimes I will wonder, why when God create the earth, He create the disaster? Maybe it is already written in the Bible which I don't know or don't understand.

512 earthquake in SiChuan is such an hot issue in every newspaper. Everyday I read people, the most pleasant I saw is that a new survival was found.

Yesterday they had found a guy who still survive after burying for 179hours. And today news, another lady was found after burying for 195hours. As a medical student, I don't know what will be my 1st thought when this is really happen to me some day.

But, of course I pray that this kind of tragedy will never happen again~

There are some touching story behind the tragedy. A lady who got burried for 109 hours and her boyfriend stay near the hole where he found her waiting for succor to rescue her. In the meanwhile he said to her "The moon is round and bright tonight, will you marry me?"

Every organization is helping to collect donation, artists who sing and act to collect money. Everyone in the world is trying to give their tiny effort to help. The succor team which still trying their best finding for survivors...

Unfortunately, there are some people who gloat over the tragedy. They forward those useless SMS trying to involve in this issue with unknown purpose. The SMS is written this way:





and they claimed that this poem is written by famous poet - LiBai. They said LiBai had warn people in the poem that there will be earthquake during Olympic (according to the poem, every first word of the lines become 北京奥运, while every last word ofthe lines - 四川地震). After look through 。《李白诗全集》and 《全唐诗》(books of LiBai) there is no such poem at all. It is proved that this SMS is a prank!

Well, I have to say that if you (the one who create this "joke") are so free, please do something helpful and meaningful, people died over there, please show some sympathy!!!

At last, let us grieve over those victimize in this tragedy....and salute to the succor team~


Kochi said...

When I read the poem, I really thought that LiBai really wrote an omen. Really gave me a series of goosebumps.
But after the explanation, I have one word to say........
But I really wish the evacuation will be done ASAP.
Kesian only people who got trapped down there.

Christie said...

the style of writing so "geng" but use in this least write sth to send the condolence to the victims mah..